lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

Psychodrama: The performance requires more sense than ever.

Psychodrama is a form of psychotherapy, designed by Jacob Levy Moreno who coined the term Group Psychotherapy, using it for the first time in the Congress of the American Psychiatric Association held in Philadelphia in 1932. Such therapy was initially conceived as group therapy or deep group psychotherapy. Throughout the twentieth century developed approaches that have led to individual psychodrama psychotherapy: the bipersonal psychodrama psychotherapy. Moreno, a psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of group processes, discovered in the 20 the importance and effectiveness of a scenic representation of what the person lived, lives, and would like to live. So the person accessing a higher level of self-awareness with the full confidence that they can get more spontaneous and creative ways to answer to yourself and relate to.

Jacob Levy Moreno 1889 - 1974
Jacob helped with their treatments to all types of normal and marginalized groups; and applied very effectively to psychiatric patients in his private clinic in Beacon, where he settled in 1936. Moreno presented to Psychodrama as "a new form of psychotherapy that can be widely applied", the same "Historically psychodrama represents the decisive step in the treatment of isolated individual to individual treatment groups, treatment with oral treatment methods with methods of action", also stated that "Psychodrama puts the patient on a stage where you can solve their problems with point help of a few therapeutic actors. It is both a method of diagnosis and treatment". That was how, safe and proud, Jacob L. Moreno claimed that had marked a before and after in psychology as such.

Some Psychodrama Technical Resources

Reversal of Roles: The resource exchange roles is to indicate the main character acting from a place of another person, concept, object or as part of himself. This resource can:
- Facilitate the performance of externalizing behaviors and thoughts or emotions.
- Can you give us understand new answers, resources or solutions.
- Observe and understand thinking styles and possible own behavior, acceptance, processing, resolution and integration.
- Help them understand and accept other views, needs, behaviors, etc.
- Seeing oneself from the point of view of others.

Soliloquy: A monologue, consistent action without a real interlocutor talk this I hear, is thinking aloud or talking to oneself. In a psychodrama therapy when the director ordered a soliloquy scene stops, freezes and the protagonist or the person you are prompted to do begins to express high voice their feelings or thoughts from his role assumed at that moment.
It is hoped that the protagonist raise awareness soliloquy feelings or thoughts and recognize and allow the protagonist knows what they might feel or think other people about it or situation.

A session takes place in three stages

Warming: A representation with a full and emotional experience requires prior preparation or "start-climate". Efforts to achieve this, of all types, form the first stage, called warming.
Action: The action takes place when the protagonist, the scene and the scene are already defined. The dramatic concept of resolution, called by Moreno as "Catharsis Drama", the perception of achieving the desired goal for the dramatization is signal for the principal considers that the action has come to an end.
Share: this time is intended that, after the protagonist explained his feelings, thoughts and problems with other people, also expose the other of them. An important goal is that the protagonist the only one with problems can not sit and feel the support, understanding and control of the group members.


This approach aims to improve the enabling interpersonal relationships, use different techniques methodology of action, the release of situations and crystallization of roles and internalized beliefs, solving problems and crises, research and friendly alternatives discovering themselves and others. With this method, the person may pursue an active dialogue, take the route of a change that leads to empowerment and creative spontaneity.

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